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Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute (RLMI) operationalizes Lifestyle Medicine with practical programs that have low barriers to entry for patients and their physicians. RLMI developed and runs the popular 15-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Jumpstart, an ACLM-certified program which has reached more than 1800 people in 44 states and several countries. Jumpstart is an engaging medically-facilitated Zoom-based program; medical providers can easily refer their patients and see the results. Participants typically have significant improvements in cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight, as well as in pain levels, mood, energy, and sleep. Jumpstart is used as a research tool in several studies, including a randomized control trial on CKD.


RLMI also offers monthly Lifestyle Medicine Grand Rounds, where a panel of experts discuss provocative cases from a lifestyle perspective. Other programs include coaching services, an immersion program, Pivio and Lift (both ACLM-certified), and a monthly free Lifestyle as Medicine lecture. RLMI’s webinars presented through AARP have the potential to reach millions with the message of lifestyle medicine. And RLMI has a flourishing alumni program, Plant-Based Together, for lifelong education and support on the plant-based path. With all these efforts, RLMI is changing the medical culture and the culture of society at large, and setting us on the path to human and planetary health. Visit https://www.rochesterlifestylemedicine.org for more information.